Another Puppet Gone... What Will the British "Royal" Family do With Cashed Trillions? Atta
All interviews have been cancelled this week, to discuss the worsening issue of relationships between Lightworkers being massively attacked and how this is undermining Lightworker planetary operations ... thus threatening to delay The Event. Raising the specter of ramifications few of us can afford.
In last week's episode, we delved unexpectedly deep with ETLetsTalk Head Kosta & Hollis, and discovered why the public ET Disclosure Movement is vital, even though knowing about ETs is so passe for most of us.
Tune in to this weeks' episode for your weekly dose of empowering clarity, inspiration & motivation to get you through the Archon invented "work week".
We analyze:
American stomachs turn, with Fulford's runaway Canadian nationalism...
British "Royal" Family Bloodline successfully cashes a big fat bond. Will they altruistically give it to their higher-ups to start WWIII?
... should you worry?
White Hats put the thumb-screws on Trump, Trump tells FBI boss Comey to go jump.
photo by Vicenews.Com
This weeks' Discussion:
Lightworker Relationships - Therefore Liberation Operations - Under Massive Attack As Darkness Tries To Stop The Inevitable
Not to Worry ... Help Is Here :
Get the 3 New Lightworker protocols The Unknown Lightwarrior has just fleshed out, for you to use in your network to help protect your loving & important relationships, especially if you're involved in any kind of planetary liberation operation ... even if it's as simple as participating in weekly liberation meditations... and discussing events in chat groups. They are also under threat .
So protect your network & relationships and get your weekly dose of empowering clarity, inspiration & motivation to get you through the Archon invented "work week" by tuning in to Ground Crew Command this week at 9pm EDT, Wed 10th of May.
Click below now & hit the Follow button for show reminders.
... but SHARE this now before you go.