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Writer's pictureJim Tourtsakis

Ex SSP Super Soldier Randy Cramer Joins Us. Build Up To ‘D5’ and The Solstice Mass Meditation begins

The need for impromptu mass planetary clearings these past few weeks & days has become increasing thick & fast. All a sign of:

  1. Darkness ‘kicking up’ from its recently cleared safe-havens and attacking out of desperation.

  2. Deeper level darkness which starts seeing what’s happening, and having not yet been cleared … attacks the biggest threats to it's existence from amongst the Lightworker population, and thus it exposes itself.

  3. The physical Cabal using what’s left of their weaponry, causing more exposure of said weaponry.

… for example, late last night....

I was lying on the bed, about to go to sleep, and I started seeing about 4 rough looking outlines of ‘rings’ layered over each other at different altitudes, above & around me … gradually spreading outwards.

At first I though it was the ET/EDs breaking through the veil/grid, but after a bit of introspection … I saw that it was an anomalous negative vortex/wormhole being opened up by a physical Cabal low earth orbit satellite.

You can imagine the rest, (actually … don’t imagine it, lol).

So I had to get into ‘work-mode’ and clear that, because lots of entities jumped in (on the opportunity) too. And today a major planetary clearing was done on it, as well.

Al this turned out to be necessary preparation for'D5'.

I can’t give the details of this planetary clearing. It’s too sensitive. I’ll just say that – cosmic anomaly is to darkness … what water is to fish!

I was ‘allowed’ to see the negative, vortex opening beam from the satellite, because help from the physical plane was needed to prepare things energetically for ‘D5’ to have the desired effect on the planetary liberation process.

And me seeing this negative anomaly vortex, followed by the massive attack, was what allowed me to understand what had to be cleared.

Ex SSP Super Soldier Randy Cramer Joins Us

So despite the insane levels of PHYSICAL interference over Fulford’s first appearance on Ground Crew Command last week … it still somehow became a huge hit for listeners/144k Members, with some new information & perspective to boot.

Yes … Ben was gong on about information that the savvy GCC listener knew already, but as you heard, I managed to extract some cool info regardless.

So … Randy Cramer, if you haven’t heard of him yet, was was born in 1970 and shortly after his third birthday, he was conscripted into a program called Project Mannequin. Project Mannequin was a global effort to create a military super-soldier that was designed for the express purpose of becoming a faster, stronger and more moralized hero as opposed to a more efficient killer.

For the next 14 years he received specific training which included a period of time taking part in another covert program called Project Moonshadow. Cramer revealed that Moonshadow was an off-shoot of the original MK Ultra project and comprised of a garrison of 300 super-soldiers in total. Cramer also shared that MK Ultra was a more trauma-based concept while Moonshadow was a much cooperative-based method.

So this dives right into what Laura Eisenhower explained (more like revealed) to us when she was on Ground Crew Command a few weeks ago re: project moon-shadow.

I’ll be asking Randy questions like:

  • was there any DNA activation work in the program.

  • what kind of psychic training did they provide.

  • was the rest of the training similar in intensity & complexity as special forces?

  • what were some of the most notable incidents of his tour-of-duty off world, as a super soldier.

  • what part or branch of Solar Warden or other such organizations was he in.

… and much more. It’ll be interesting, partly because Randy has direct access to USMCss command staff and intelligence staff. He gets his intel directly from them.


What To Shine The Transmutational Light of Your Consciousness on, This Week

Tune in to Ground Crew Command this week, as I dissect:

  • The P2 Freemasons make an offer for peace, despite the fact that they’re asking for the status-quo to continue… (extremely funny). But this development is still a very good thing. Tune in to find out why & how.

  • Banks & Post Offices & even schools in the US to close for the first time ever over a state funeral of a one-term past President who (from a mainstream perspective) didn’t achieve much at all a part from “liberating’ Kuwait, never mind that he died back in June, and his death was announced just before ‘D5’. ???!!!???

  • Is this the reset & mass arrests?

  • Is it a rehearsal for the financial reset?

  • Is it a subtle take-over of the Cabal’s banks’ computer system, that will still require a reboot, and let things continue for a few more months before it all happens?

  • Suspicions of Trump secretly working for a Black Nobility family continue to fade, after the following tweet on the 27th of November

  • Rothschild agent President Macron backs down … after realizations that the French Military may end up siding with the protesters (French people) if he declares Martial Law.

  • Queensland, Australia now getting the Directed Energy Weapon treatment California recently suffered…

… so gear-up for a BIG Solstice 144k Mass Meditation in only 2 weeks, to end all this crap … once & for all!

See you on another huge episode of Ground Crew Command (live broadcasts every Wed 9pm EDT) ... YOUR central support network; and your weekly dose of empowering clarity, inspiration & motivation to get you through the Archon invented "work week" -

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p.s. If you haven't joined the 144,000 Army of Light that's being built ... and you feel the calling or desire, watch the short video at this link & click to join! Let's take charge & Liberate This Planet! https://www.144kActivated.org (no need to join if you're receiving this newsletter already) See you there!

The Unknown Lightwarrior


The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) ... clearing ... energy surgery ... DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power ... go to: https://www.returntoyourtruth.com

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