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Writer's pictureJim Tourtsakis

144k Equinox Mass Meditation, March 20/21 - 2019 ... MAKE THIS VIRAL!

My online platform’s servers ‘went down’ JUST before I was to send this out to the 144k.

Here are 3 (of MANY) huge reasons to join this

144k Mass Meditation this Equinox

(Times & links are below)

So the Cabal has made its expected attempt at ‘dropping the time-lines’ by infecting the grids & Gaia’s aura at this crucial Equinox period … with its first (and hopefully last) false flag … in Christchurch, New Zealand.

1) It attacked the Kiwi city of Christchurch because of the name “Christ’ in it. It was a deliberate Satanic attack on Christ … Christ consciousness … and the unaltered/positive aspects of Christianity.

Work was done on sealing the significant auric tear over the south island of NZ, and the earthquake-type cracks on the grids around Christchurch were healed / repaired.

None-the-less … tomorrow, we must RESPOND!

… and make them really regret doing what they did. As a well deserved reward … to all 144k

2) This EQUINOX heralds in a period of unfettered, free, and easy ability to CREATE with our consciousness. But we have to make sure our higher selves are in the driver's seat! Members who participate in this mass meditation, get an - early private release - discount coupon code on a soon-to-be released special & one-of-a-kind hypnosis audio that helps you connect with your higher dimensional higher selves and I AM presence. ... which involves the dissipation & integration of the biggest block of all to doing this… the current INCARNATIONAL PERSONALITY, mind / false 3D identity.

Because the truth is … if the highest levels of Light are being used, providing the most robust – heavy duty ‘energetic clearing muscle’ then the only real obstacle remaining is the false 3D identity / incarnational mind’s need to ‘hold on’ to its [false] identity … it’s familiar energies of the known (INCLUDING if it’s in a purgatory existence) and avoiding it’s own ‘death’ & energies of the ‘unknown’ …

... no matter how positive the high frequency energies of the Higher Self / True Identity and these new positive timelines we are now accessing may be.

This is something that isn’t taught by many at all, and is arguably one of the biggest oversights in energy healing & activation... that is... exactly HOW you can connect with your

I AM PRESENCE and create what your SOUL truly desires!

3) The fact that the online platform’s servers (that I use to communicate with you) went down on the same day I was to send the Mass Meditation notification, is a strong indicator that either the Archons … or negative AI … or Chimera & Draco … or the Covens.... and Cabal itself really do NOT want us getting together on the equinox and applying our unique … advanced mass meditation methods. Hence the lateness of this notification.

....it's time for the 144k to deal with all that!

So lets show’em who’s boss tomorrow, and click the links below to join us … and once again, accelerate the timeline to the Event, re-union with our true [galactic/inter-galactic] families ... and unconditional freedom!!

Join time: 5pm EDT (US):

Start time: 5:10pm EDT

For your timezone:

See you there!

... yours in service

The Unknown Lightwarrior

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