White Hat Moves … Cabal Moves … 144k MOVES, this Saturday’s Mass Meditation, Live Q&A, Send your
Live Q & A on This Week's Show
Send in your Questions!
The upcoming Mass Meditation on Saturday
The Internal Compression Breakthrough Webinar
The proverbial ‘darkest hour before the dawn’ thing - certainly seems to have hit, and exhaustion is included in this equation too.
In other words … the 144k is obligated to know this is a spiritual, consciousness & military war of ATTRITION.
And on this week’s show … I’ll be getting into where & how to draw more reserves of energy – so instrumental in winning wars of this type.
I’m talking limitless reserves of spiritual energy, which is always accessible to you … and the 144k HQ is all about getting you there!
… which obliterates anything in front of you! (I’ll be reading some of the – unsolicited - feedback that’s been coming in, so you know I’m not just talking B.S).
Because Gaia NEEDS YOU …
… and you never fold,
just before victory
… and there’s one more thing I have in-the-works to realistically tap into your VAST reserves of energy … which are still untapped. Even if you feel like a busted old tank :- )
I'll be getting into (among MANY other critical & revealing things):
the real trick to ‘making life better’
the true purpose of the ICB, which is far greater than any of us … and why it’s not ‘for free’ … while 144k Mass Meditations are STAUNCHLY kept free.
… all part of the build-up to what could be our finest hour, the - ENDING THE QUARANTINE - 144k Mass Meditation this Sat/Sun 2PM EDT, (precise time also listed in the 144k Member's Area)
… and I haven’t even gotten into the news portion yet (which is below)
What To Shine The Transmutational Light of Your Consciousness On, This Week!
Tune in to this week’s show to learn about …
how Lightworkers are deliberately targeted by the Cabal (and non-physicals) to become MK Ultra victims – why – and how this ties into the El Paso shooter and his father’s connections to John of God
Cabal (hacks) takes 8Chan down, while Trump appointed (ergo; potentially White Hat) US attorney for the western district of Texas says – “ … we’re also treating this (mass shooting) as a domestic terrorist case” – which now opens the way for military & NSA involvement once international connections are established (ie; the Cabal)
Patricia Cota-Robles says DNA will activated between Aug 10 to Aug 15th, and why this might not happen unless or until something happens first, which I’ll get into on the show. This is vital.
the intimate details of how implants & the grid keep DNA activation very limited, and what’s in-the-works to resolve this & thus ... free the planet
and I promise I’ll finally give the short & slightly entertaining lesson of intel & rumor discernment for less frustration … confusion & more galvanized CONFIDENCE …
how & why Marianne Williamson appears to be working with the cabal … and how she’s being used to discredit the spiritual ‘awake & aware’ portion of the surface population
and the Democrat candidate that might be the White-Hat’s horse in that race. I’ll not only tell you who that is … but also go through the clear indicators too.
... as we all march on to freedom, here on Ground Crew Command - (live, every Wed night 9pm EDT) ...
... YOUR central support network; and your weekly dose of empowering clarity, inspiration & motivation to get you through the Archon invented "work week".
Live broadcasts, downloads & previous Ground Crew Command episodes is at the 144k Member's Area!
(if you're using a different browser/device from what you originally joined with, you'll need to re-enter your email , then scroll down a bit to the radio section)
If you're not yet a 144k Member & haven't discovered the 4 Critical Elements to a successful & unified Lightworker/Meditation Group, click here: https://www.144kActivated.org
Yours In Service ...
The Unknown Lightwarrior
The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) ... clearing ... energy surgery ... DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power ... go to: https://www.4phasehealingsystem.com and/or