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Writer's pictureJim Tourtsakis

The Great Awakening Rally in DC on 9/11, The Great Sub-lunar Clearing + MUCH More

Another BIG and critical show this week folks … So much so – that I’ve had to move it one day early, to Tuesday, instead of the usual time of Wed … because:

… A crucial & highly advantageous step to accelerating planetary liberation is, uniting and LEGITMIZING not only the various Starseed Groups … but also;

‘effectively educating & integrating’ the main portions of the surface population that have different levels of awareness – or no awareness - about other main esoteric subjects.

Actual 3D research has found the following three main groups of the aware portion of the surface population:

1) Disclosure Movement - old and new factions, both infiltrated in different ways.

the people who know all about ET Disclosure, ufology, SSP, builder race, etc … have little or no awareness or savvyness about energy (aka, spirituality) … or Cabal/Deep Sate & it’s control infrastructure

2) Awakening Movement (geopolitical, weather changes, media mind control, vaccines, big Pharma, Q.

not spiritual based. The people who know all about the Deep State/Cabal, have little or no awareness or savvyness about energy (aka, spirituality) nor the ET/SSP Disclosure Movement

3) Consciousness Movement (spiritual, aka New Agers, old & new factions, also infiltrated, but mostly by non-physicals).

People who are aware & savvy about the non-physical realities, higher dimensions, energy, the soul, the need to heal Gaia, etc … but have little or no awareness or savvyness about the Awakening Movement (Cabal, Geopolitics, Media mind control) or ET/SSP Disclosure. Many still follow & believe in Cabal (Corporate mainstream) media. Which heavily undermines planetary liberation.

Of the 3 main groups above … the Consciousness Movement is the largest & oldest.

And I can proudly say:

  • a good 95%+ of the 144k know all about, and have savvyness of - all 3 of the above. And yes, there is a lot of overlap between the 3 groups. But not enough.

  • and I’m going to discuss all the above … and what’s required to unite al the above … + so much more … with the organizer of the 9/11 rally in DC this Wed & founder of The Great Awakening Report – Mark

Mark is also doing his best to greatly shorten the - time & space - between where we are now … to The Event.

He has made great (and rare) inroads into orientating & educating people who may be savvy in one area of awakening … but not the others. And also orientating & educating people who know nothing at all …


We’ll get into what he has discovered each of the above group needs, to:

  • integrate, thus UNITE with other groups … that will help accelerate planetary liberation

  • alleviate the endemic issue of infiltration … that will help accelerate planetary liberation

  • and go viral with it all, to … you guessed it … accelerate planetary liberation

It’s quite shocking (and deeply disturbing – given that it only protects the brutal status-quo of things like child ritual sacrifice & pedophilia) … how many ‘spiritual luminaries’ are completely unaware of basic things like Operation Mockingbird … never-mind the Deep State / Cabal.

I’ll be getting into:

  • how this effectively causes a civil war within the surface population

  • how that’s delaying planetary liberation

  • and how people like Mark are helping to resolve it asap!

And btw:

if you’re in the DC area …

… go to Mark’s / The Great Awakening Report’s

- Great Awakening Rally on 9/11 –

in DC, on Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM EDT.

Location: Washington Monument NW Quadrant. Click here for more:


What To Shine The Transmutational Light of Your Consciousness On, This Week!

Tune into this week’s show, to find out about crucial developments like:

  • why a lot of off-world focus is going into the region between the earth’s atmosphere & sublunar space – and the crucial underlying reason why the Light Forces are pushing really hard for a huge final victory crescendo with this sub-lunar space region ( a short report for you)

  • the 144k is on notice & must stand ready – as seeming deadlocks with the UK’s Brexit … upcoming (& timeline deciding) Israeli elections … and energetic support for the Earth/Military Alliance take-down of the confirmed & ‘narrowed-down-to’ 700 individuals at the peak of world power is likely to be needed !

… all on this week’s huge episode of; Ground Crew Command - for this week's special Tuesday night edition for the Great Awakening Rally in DC. 8 PM EDT ...

Ground Crew Command is ... YOUR central support network; and your weekly dose of empowering clarity, inspiration & motivation to get you through the Archon invented "work week".

Live broadcasts, downloads & previous Ground Crew Command episodes are right here at your internet home ... 

the 144k Member's Area!

Yours In Service ...

The Unknown Lightwarrior


The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) ... clearing ... energy surgery ... DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power ... go to: https://www.4phasehealingsystem.com and/or

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