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Writer's pictureJim Tourtsakis

‘OMG, I can’t handle the energies’ Syndrome & What To Do About It & Other Accelerated-Ascens

Massive changes continue to sweep in & have accelerated yet again for the whole planet, at the

  • energetic – non-physical planes level

  • 3D geo-political level

  • 4D exo-political level

… and of course at the internal/individual level, with symptoms like

  • ‘loud’ ups & downs … almost on a daily basis, throwing off emotions

  • feeling great one day, NOT feeling good at-all, the next

  • with a visceral sense of a constant state of energetic & timeline flux, which is not helping that sense of certainty the egoic mind needs to make it feel safe

I’ll be covering all of that, for the EMPOWERING clarity needed (thus – inspiration & motivation).

Hint: we’re actually going through a ‘dying process’. I’ll explain why this is not only a good thing, but the best thing that can happen to you… And above all, how to best handle it, for a much smoother ride.

… and what’s the best way to work with your higher self, to get through this without the constant charge of fear, emotional turmoil & roughness.

Further more … I’ll give a reading on what Cobra’s code: “Transfer To Gamma Timeline” actually means … what it entails … how it effects us, (and it’s all good!).

(C) Taylor James, My Modern Met

Coaching … Counseling … & Support for

Internal Compression Breakthrough & 4 Phase System

As promised, the improved show format starts from this week’s episode. This means … more empowerment & support for YOU, to help get you to where you want to be, faster … more smoothly… and with more certainty.

Yes … you have to be using either the 4 Phases or Internal Compression Breakthrough healing systems (guided audios involving MASS clearing) … to call in for support & coaching. But if you’re new to Ground Crew Command support, you’ll certainly want to listen in because you’re most likely going to walk away with very useful insights & knowledge you can apply in your 3D life.

I often expand on what needs to be taught (for each caller), to honor the EMPOWERMENT ethos of Ground Crew Command, by giving very empowering info to all listeners.


...back to the regular time of...


Link to the radio show & call-in # is below.

(hit the Follow button for show reminders & downloadable recordings)

Call in #: (310) 807-5232.

Or connect from your browser with the link above.


What To Shine The Transmutational Light Of Your Consciousness On This Week

In the last 30mins of the show … tune in to find out more on:

  • further indicators of planetary ascension acceleration with phrases from leading geo-political journalist Ben Fulford. like: “The situation has proceeded so far that the Khazarian big Kahuna, Israel, may soon be liberated Pentagon sources say… “

  • White Hat heroes in the US Military move into position to take out/clean-up the top-tier parent corporations of the Cabal that own 90+% of the whole western corporate world … including major social engineering tool Disney Corporation. Can they do it? … Will they do it? … What’s the deciding factor of how soon they can do it?

  • James Bond style assassinations by the Earth Alliance/White Hats continue against Cabal members as founder of the Cabal’s long-time prominent organization - The Carlyle Group … and a sister of the Dutch Royal Family bloodline are ‘taken out’ (as a message) … while sealed indictments pass the 35,000 mark.

  • more US celebrities attempting to blow the whistle on pedophilia networks. Cabal responds with a message to all celebrities in the US, by ‘suiciding’ these latest attempts by handbag designer Kate Spade (sister in law of actor/comedian David Spade) and celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain.

… lives are being lost in the fight against the Cabal & what’s left of their physical ET backers & non-physical backers. Thus … the growing 144k is readying its response, secretly … behind the scenes.

So keep your powder dry … and join us for much more, this week on Ground Crew Command, YOUR central support network; and your weekly dose of empowering clarity, inspiration & motivation to get you through the Archon invented "work week" -

click here for the reminder & to listen in- http://www.blogtalkradio.com/groundcrewcommandradio

(hit the Follow button for show reminders & downloadable recordings)

Call in #: (310) 807-5232.

Or connect from your browser with the link above.

p.s. If you haven't joined the 144,000 Army of Light that's being built ... and you feel the calling or desire, watch the short video below & opt-in (no need to opt-in again if you already opted into this website). Let's take charge & Liberate This Planet!

The Unknown Lightwarrior


The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) ... clearing ... energy surgery ... DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power ... go to: https://www.returntoyourtruth.com

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