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Writer's pictureJim Tourtsakis

It’s ON … 144k Mass Meditation on June 21 Solstice & CRITICAL Turkey Elections Meditation June 2

The fuse has been lit for Turkey. Cobra revealed 2 years ago that "in the near future, Turkey may be the trigger for a short but intense military escalation just before the planetary breakthrough.”

With the nationalist secular faction of the Turkish military almost decimated after 2016’s failed military coup, (and rest-assured, the White-Hat military in the US was on the verge of doing the same, but in the end decided to go the longer constitutional route to kicking out the bloodlines & instead approached a politically savvy well-known celebrity who could fund himself - so they could work through him) …

… 16 year President of Turkey: Ercep Erdogan has received orders (some time ago) from his Zionist bloodline masters via the Rothschild & Jesuit network, to resurrect the bloodlines’ Babylonian (Babel) empire under the guise of resurrecting the Ottoman empire (in an attempt to appeal & get support from the Turkish populace).

If the populist rival Turkish Presidential candidate Muharrem Ince doesn’t win the upcoming elections on Sunday the 24th of June … a full-blown regional war (which Cobra asserts will be short, but extremely intense) might … and probably will, break-out.

The failed military coup in 2016 by the secular nationalist faction of the Turkish military put the region on a timeline where war did indeed breakout. Ancient prophecy states that Damascus would fall just before the apocalypse. Not only has Damascus already fallen, the entire country of Syria has fallen.

The burgeoning 144k has been called up to active duty once again, to fulfill its Goddess mandated obligation to attempt put Turkey on the timeline where the positive factions' rival presidential candidate Muharrem Ince wins, and Islamic extremism (wholly created by the bloodlines) is finally abolished in Turkey with a return to secularism & individual liberties …

So this week … because of the critical nature of what’s ‘coming down the pike’....we have special guests "Summer" & "Turkish Patriot" … members of ‘Team Turkey’ - Lightworkers and "boots on the ground" in Turkey.

We’ll talk more about:

  • who Erdogan really is, and his loyalties

  • how he rigged past Presidential elections

  • the current state of the positive faction of the Turkish military, and whether they’ll be able to back Muharrem Ince by preventing a rigged election, the way the White Hats of the Pentagon did in the 2016 US Presidential elections

  • the Cabal hierarchical structure running the situation in Turkey, and Erdogan’s place within that.

  • … and how all this will decide whether the Cabal’s long prophesized wish for a war between ‘Gog & Magog’ will actually manifest … and how this all dovetails directly into one of the main tenets of biblical scripture.

That’s right folks … this is the latest way the Cabal/Darkness is trying to start WWIII. It failed to start it via Iran manufactured dispute … it failed to start it via the Syria manufactured dispute … now it’s trying to start it via Turkey, which is it’s best & probably final hope.

Gog is meant to be the US, Israel, the G7 countries. And Magog would be Russia, China, Iran, etc. But to quote George Soros: "everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong" ....(with the plan to destroy the known world).The US had been lost...."But we are still looking at the possibility of complete destruction of a large portion of the Middle East - an area of the world that is extremely important for anchoring Goddess energy on this planet.

Not cool!

So make sure you join this Wed 9PM EDT (for the live broadcast, or download the recording the next day) … to help prepare yourself for what’s at stake … what we stand to gain or lose … and to gear-up for the two 144k Mass Meditations this week to put things on the highest possible timeline outcome for humanity.

Mass Meditation details & links are below

The Planet Has Reached The Point in The Ascension (Positive) Timeline Where Turkey Takes Center-Stage …

& What Happens There Decides How Far Up In Timelines We Go After The ‘Turkey Showdown Fork-In-The-Road’.

… And that’s, that!

What Do WE Do About It?

We being:

… the down-trodden.

… the beaten & battered

… the long forgotten, largely dormant & un-activated … SLEEPING GIANTS.

… that is, the surface - Army of Light.

… the sacred, the ‘mythical’ … 144k

… what – do – we – do ?!

Our Choice-Point Has Arrived!

One of the biggest blocks/woundings that I and other healing practitioners have found when doing one-on-one healing sessions, is shutting down the traumas that resulted from ‘negative choices’.

Choices in present & past lives that did not honor your soul-path & purpose … and thus put you on a negative timeline.

That’s a lot of ‘cleaning up’ which resulted from negative choices in previous lifetimes. It’s one of the main reasons why this life-time has not been what it could’ve been … in terms of manifested joy … freedom & abundance.

A choice-point has arrived again …

Let’s Not Repeat Any Mistakes Of The Past

Do what you’re here to do.

Our boss … Goddess, is begging us to do just that. Without asking for anything in return.

Because this is what we are …

This is who we are …

What will you CHOSE … come the day of decision?


144k Mass Meditations

(Mass Planetary Clearings, to fast-track us to the Event)

June 21st Solstice Meditation:

Date: 6:00am EDT (US time) Thursday, 21st of June

Duration: 1hr

At the time of this 144k Mass Meditation, join the global LIVE guided meditation by clicking this link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/groundcrewcommandradio/2018/06/21/144k-june-21st-solstice-meditation

… or by calling this #: 310-807-5232


Turkish Presidential election (Pivot-Point) day

Date: 6pm EDT (US time) Saturday, 23rd of June

This meditation will begin at 1:11 AM in Turkey - on the day of this critically important election.

Duration: 1hr

At the time of this 144k Mass Meditation, join the global LIVE guided meditation by clicking this link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/groundcrewcommandradio/2018/06/23/144k-mass-meditation-turkish-presidential-election-pivot-point-day

… or by calling this #: 310-807-5232


We have the backing of extreme high levels of Light, but we have to show up.

All of our higher-dimensional aspects can’t work through our physical bodies, if we don’t show up for duty!

What Will You Chose?

Empowering Exercise to Help You Increase Your Psychic Abilities with This Simple Technique

After the interview with Summer & Turkish Patriot, I'll provide a very empowering training which will help you prepare to totally shift the energies and raise humanity to even higher timelines during these 144k mass meditations.

Discover the 5 foundational techniques for seeing energy and the non-physical more easily.

Be sure to call-in or just listen in, to make the most out of these energy clearing sessions …

… to re-claim humanity's power & freedom!


Link to the radio show & call-in #:

(hit the Follow button for show reminders & downloadable recordings)

Call in #: (310) 807-5232.

Or connect from your browser with the link above.


To connect with the Lightworkers of Turkey


To join a special meditation created for the night before the elections - by the Turkish Sisterhood of Rose groups:

and on the

Brand New website for the 144k:

The Exo & Geo Political News Analysis segment will be very brief, (if at all) due to the urgent situation in Turkey & the Cabal attempt to use the incumbent President there to fulfill their religious Satanic prophecy of WWIII (Gog vs Magog).

It's time to stop them!

The Unknown Lightwarrior


The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) ... clearing ... energy surgery ... DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power ... go to: https://www.returntoyourtruth.com

... hit the Share button below first. This must go viral.

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