The Great Project of the Light Forces, called – AMERICA. Why America is a Sacred Country.
In honor of the 4th of July, but also because of work-load & sacred projects … this article is in place of this week’s episode of Ground Crew Command.
Partly because of my 3 life-times as an American (one of them as a Black-American slave), and another in Cromwell’s army overthrowing the bloodline in England in the 1640s … this article is very emotional for me.
And as you're about to find out … very emotional for ALL Lightworkers, and related groups like; The Brotherhood Of The Star, Sisterhood of The Rose, positive Templars … etc.
That means YOU!

Project America
Despite attempts by positive secret societies & mystery schools in Europe to overthrow Bloodline rule … such as:
the English Civil war in the 1640s
positive Freemasons like most of the King Louis lineage of France in the same era (where the French support for the War of Independence came from)
the White Nobility family of the Tsars in Russia
… resulting in things like Britain being the first country to outlaw slavery in the 1830s (indigenous cultures like the native Americans & India also had slavery within their nations)
… in the end they "lost" & fled Europe to escape feudal fascism.
Europe was too set in her ways.
The Vatican control was too strong.
It’s feudal culture was too rigid & established … resulting in extremely slow societal evolution.
The opportunity arose in the British colonies in North America, after a dispute in taxes & oppressive governance was utilized by these positive European groups to start fresh … with a cultural popularization of rebelliousness against aristocratic oppression … demand for economic & political freedoms … with no oppressive elite class denying any of these, any longer.
… and besides, you can’t wait forever to resurrect Atlantis … so the New Atlantis (America) project was created by the founding fathers deliberately to ‘set things right’ after the catastrophic fall of Atlantis 12,000 odd years ago.
I mean … come’on. We can’t wait forever to free this planet. So much so, that St. Germaine - probably with the help of other Ascended Masters and Archangels....ergo … beings from the higher dimensions LITERALLY had a hand in influencing & thus injecting their energy into the writing of the US Constitution.
"...Comte de Saint Germain attempted to co-create a new Society in America by assisting in the independence of the USA and by being the main spiritual force behind the Constitution. He formed a secret mystery school in Paris in 1775 that was the hidden hand behind the independence of the USA..Benjamin Franklin, who was a member of that masonic lodge, influenced the creation of the United States:"
Hence … the sacredness of the United States of America.
A country uniquely formed from divinely aligned ideals. Ideals centered around freedom … unique to human history when it comes to the founding of a country!
And after the success of those ideals, these ideas spread to many parts of the world, beginning with Western, then Eastern Europe. And thus the Light Forces achieved a significant goal in spreading the ideals of individual liberty - where one owns the fruits of their own labor, (slavery was the norm 'back in the day') - where one can say what they want - and where one can defend their beliefs.
Thus … America was, and still is #1 in having & promoting a culture centered on freedom, and the independence of the individual from ANY supposedly higher authority … i.e. big government …
… and where one can truly experience liberty!
Despite the extreme targeting of America & her people by the European based bloodlines & their lower-level groups like the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, etc … resulting in things like the:
Virginia Corporation Act of 1783 (… where they own everything again, including everything YOU possess).
The American Civil war (yes, they were completely behind that … and huge British army was sent to Toronto ready to pounce at the right moment if things went badly enough for the Union. With Tsarist Russia being the only European power that was supporting the Union by the symbolic gesture of sending Russian navy ships into New York harbor. And note the Templar Cross in the Confederate flag)

(don't worry Southerners, we've all been played by darkness at some point :- ) … Just ask any German … or Soviet … or Maoist Chinese … Cambodian, etc, etc)
the District of Columbia Corporation Act of 1871
the Federal Reserve Act of 1913
the Nazi invasion - aka Operation Paperclip - after WWII
oppression of blacks & natives, as a result of either cultural clashes or bloodline influence from Europe & infiltration of positive freemasonry & the Jesuits (that were behind the brutal Conquistadores).
Despite all this … America held it’s cultural beliefs of freedom, independence, small government & rebelliousness close to its heart.
Long enough for Oath (to the CONSTITUTION) Keepers in the US military to notice what’s really going on (it’s a bit hard not to, when the UN is giving away your positions during the Korean War) … recognizing the sacred Higher-Dimensional-Anchored constitution is being violated …
… and thus began:
The Plan
“ America … is the freedom key of the planet …”
Drake Bailey
So with a heavy but proud heart, and on behalf of Goddess … the various masculine command structures.... both on the surface … below the surface & off-world (Ashtar Command, Jupiter Command, Sphere Beings, your galactic [TRUE] family … etc),.... have asked us to:
… Hold The Light Grid
… actually, they're begging us to.

... and hold, we will.
Join the 144k: It's being re-activated, WITHOUT the infiltration. Let's defeat bloodline rule once-and-for-all … and bring FREEDOM to the entire planet.
Watch the video below to learn more.
The Unknown Lightwarrior
The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) ... clearing ... energy surgery ... DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power ... go to:
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