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Writer's pictureJim Tourtsakis

You Want Freedom? Join The 144k To Win The Gridwars. *Aug 11 Mass Meditation*. WATCH The Countdown!

The choice … is a simple one.

After spending the last 15,000 to 35,000 years crawling through [energetic] mud, we veteran Lightworkers that have been stuck here since Atlantis, are staring at the very real possibility of pushing enough Light back into the grids … that are the controlling [natural] mechanisms which steer human consciousness.

… The grids are very much ‘up for grabs’.

Either we consolidate … & take full control of them (reclaimed back to Goddess Gaia) and follow through with the recent massive successes, or the apocalyptic agenda of the Cabal gets advanced. This is a stand-off. Either-way, things won't say the same.

Which means this meditation is more critical than ever. We need to do absolutely everything in our power to support the Light Forces in their increasingly high stakes operations.

They're putting themselves at extreme risk for us. We need to make sure to have their backs. It's the least we can do.

The choice … is a simple one.

This time, it’s Lightworkers in the Americas that have it hard … with the Aug 11 144k Mass Meditation happening in the wee-hours of Saturday morning, (like … 1:30 to 4:30am start). Planetary Liberation wars have their own schedule I guess.

Those of you in Europe, Africa & Middle East … it’ll be around midday on a Saturday. So ... no excuses :- )

Links to join & time-zone times are at the bottom of this article.

Your Briefing

…. for this upcoming 144k Mass Meditation

& links for the LIVE Guided Broadcast

I want to make sure we’re on the same page about this one thing … And that is, this upcoming Mass Meditation is a crucial part of a major operation of the Lightforces!

NOT a ... " let’s get together and do something that feels good for 15mins” hobby!

This is where YOU and I must step into the God-Self … and alter the fabric of reality through the synchronized & combined power of our consciousness.

I can publicly & in advance, brief you on only 3 of the main focal points of this ‘break the stalemate’ partial solar eclipse mass meditation:

1) The White Fire of AN & ATVOR conversion technology.

To talk about these two phenomena … and their crucial role in this meditation, I’m going to have on Star, who’s quite the expert on these two ‘tools’. They’re related to the Orion Constellation, and why they’re so powerful & ‘custom designed’ to purge the grids & make the Event happen so much sooner.

She is someone I know personally … a wonderful lady … and a veteran Gridworker.

2) Removing Remaining Plasma Toplet Bombs in Earth’s Plasma Shields

As part of your prepping … get the images below into your consciousness. It’s crucial.

Having the images below in your consciousness will help with our ability to remove all remaining plasma toplet bombs out of earth’s shields, ( … boy, it wasn’t easy to find these pics).

Cobra’s intel has confirmed that these plasma toplet bombs “… are the real reason for the current impasse between the light & dark forces”.

Time to break the impasse!

Look for the word ‘plasmasphere’ in the images below, so that the LIGHT OF YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS has a clear idea of the plasma shields.

plasma shields

… and note the small-inner plasma shields just above the atmosphere, in all images.

plasma shields1

The plasma shields are in BLUE above, and RED / YELLOW below

plasma shields2

… and in GREEN below.

plasma shields3

These plasma toplet bombs need to be removed to keep the Light Forces safe during an extremely risky, high-stakes operation.

A little further motivator & visual aid for clearing all plasma Toplet Bombs (this stranglet bomb model works in a similar way to toplet bombs)

toplet bomb

3) Chimera Controlled Russian Air Force Base on top of same gridline alignment to the Thule Chimera Controlled US Air Force base (in northern Greenland).

A special operation will be carried out regarding these two locations, which I can’t speak about till the meditation itself, (if you’re new to 144k Mass Meditations, I’ll be guiding it).

" ...The Light forces will have their focus on Novaya Zemlya, still an active Chimera base"


For now, just study these images, for the meditation.

I can say that one focal point will be the ‘newly renovated and upgraded’ Rogachevo air base, highlighted by the red star below. And is just 9 miles NE of the main military settlement, Belushya Bay - on the southern of the two islands that make up Novaya Zemlya.

“Coincidentally” … the Novaya Zemlya grid-line (which effects human consciousness) is where they did nuclear “tests”.

We need to heal this damage.

click the image, then enlarge, to see better. Thule (Chimera) & Rogachevo (Chimera) Air Bases are marked in 4-pointed red stars. Get your mind familiar with these images. It's great prepping for the big day.

Thule & Rogachevo

another angle of the Rogachevo (Chimera) Air Base on Novaya Zemlya

Novaya Zemlya

Belushya Guba

[left]: Rogachevo (Chimera) Air Base is just on the top-right edge of the red dot in this image .

Belushya Guba is the main military settlement.

[below]: Rogachevo (Chimera) Air Base bottom-end of red balloon marker

Rogachevo (Chimera) Air Base

Rogachevo (Chimera) Air Base

Rogachevo (Chimera) Air Base

Rogachevo (Chimera) Air Base

Rogachevo (Chimera) Air Base

… and here's the images for Thule (Chimera) US Air Force Base

Thule (Chimera) US Air Force Base

Thule (Chimera) US Air Force Base

Thule (Chimera) US Air Force Base

… and here's an interesting one: Raytheon Completes Work On 'Upgraded Early Warning Radar' In Greenland

Now ... for the punchline

Oh looky here

What a 'coincidence'

Chimera bases on gridlines

Now you KNOW … what we need to do.

Links to join & time-zone times are at the bottom of this article.

The Metatron Energy Device

… with Robert Clear From Metatron Angel

Robert Clear from Metatron Angel Dot Com joins us to have a quick chat about the amazing results he's seen with the Metatron Angel device.

It’s a special canister/cylinder that when placed around the home, has shown to ‘facilitate’ immediate healing from any and all known human diseases within the body and mind.

You can invest in it only after a session with Nicole and Robert. This device must be handled with care and you must understand the full implication of the device.


Tune in to find out.

Put it this way … It’s been tested on trucks, and apparently not only did it drastically reduce all wear & tear … and greatly increased mileage … but it got to the point where the tires actually stopped getting any wear at all. And the health of the truck drivers improved ( … to top-it all off).

Hard to believe right?

I was skeptical too, so I’ve invited Robert on to this week’s show to grill him over these findings.

“ The Metatron collective will assist you on all levels to ensure complete delivery of energetics and upgrade to your systems… “

Details For The 144k Solar Eclipse Mass Meditation

As always, the 144k will be showing up to the battle field earlier than everyone else, primarily to clear the way for everyone else’s consciousness to ‘do their thing’ …. For bigger impact!

Peak of the eclipse: 5:11am EDT (US)

144k start time: 4:30am EDT (US)

At the time(s) above, join the live broadcast here:

(we will be including the 15min meditation visualization audio guidance, that other groups will be doing, at the peak of the eclipse at 5:11am EDT as well).

Be absolutely sure you show up for duty, because:

“… our meditation at the moment of the eclipse has great potential for a breakthrough, as it is a moment of very favorable connection with the Galactic Center … “


… and we’re going to make sure that happens.

Start building up your energies … by joining us on Wed 9pm EDT on Ground Crew Command, YOUR central support network; and your weekly dose of empowering clarity, inspiration & motivation to get you through the Archon invented "work week" -

click here for the reminder & to listen in-

(hit the pink Follow button for show reminders & downloadable recordings)

Call in #: (310) 807-5232.

Or connect from your browser with the link above.

p.s. If you haven't joined the 144,000 Army of Light that's being built ... and you feel the calling or desire, watch the short video below & opt-in (no need to opt-in again if you already opted into this website).

Let's take charge & Liberate This Planet!

The Unknown Lightwarrior


The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) ... clearing ... energy surgery ... DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power ... go to: https://www.returntoyourtruth.com

... hit the Share button below first. This must go viral.

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