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Writer's pictureJim Tourtsakis

144k Mass Meditation Report - 1hr Special Post-Meditation Episode this Wed

Although I said I’ll only have time & energy to write a report for the huge 144k Mass Meditation last Saturday/Sunday … I realized I had to ‘do things properly’ and set-up a show to talk about it all on a special episode of Ground Crew Command … because this is SERIOUS BUSINESS.

So … on this post meditation episode, I’ll be getting into:

  • why portals played a prominent role in this 144k mass meditation

  • were the following sequence of events all related, with one enabling the other?

  1. gridwork in two parts of the US (must remain classified) that involved clearing a Chimera/Draco base protected by plasma toplet bombs and clearing another city which anchored unheard levels of darkness

  2. shumann resonance shooting through the roof 24hrs later, from the 7.5hz norm – all the way to a darkness-frying … record breaking 110hz … according to one measurement, and for a full 24hrs.

  3. the 144k Mass Meditation taking place exactly half-way through the roaring schumann frequency spike

  4. which begs the question, do the positive off-world groups … or father sun … or central sun [entities] know that we were going to do a mass meditation, and ‘let it rip’ because our meditation would clear the inevitable MASSIVE amounts of darkness that such frequencies kick up … thus preventing the upheaval on the planet that results from the central/solar suns clearing ‘too much too soon’ for us & Gaia to handle?

  • how a deaf 144k Member stayed up late to participate in this meditation and saw a lot of portals being shut down, even though she couldn’t listen in during the live guided 144k broadcast

  • what several 144k Members independently reported about the ‘energetic wall’ around the US, that was erected we focused on El Paso, Texas

  • … and yes, I will give an analysis of Cobra’s latest post, and what it really means for us as we move forward.

… plus much more from other 144k Members.

It seems we really stepped in, in time!

See you on this Wednesday's special post meditation episode of Ground Crew Command Radio ... (live broadcasts every Wed 9pm EDT) ... YOUR central support network; and your weekly dose of empowering clarity, inspiration & motivation to get you through the Archon invented "work week" -

click here for the reminder & to listen in-http://www.blogtalkradio.com/groundcrewcommandradio

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Call in #: (310) 807-5232.

Or connect from your browser with the link above.

p.s. If you haven't joined the 144,000 Army of Light that's being built ... and you feel the calling or desire, watch the short video at this link & click to join! Let's take charge & Liberate This Planet! https://www.144kActivated.org

The Unknown Lightwarrior


The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) ... clearing ... energy surgery ... DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power ... go to: https://www.returntoyourtruth.com

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