144k Mass Meditations Called for July 12th & 27th + Astrological Reading for These Dates. The Bl
Another exciting & revealing episode this week, thanks to:
yet another ‘pivot-point’ month for Planetary Liberation … which has two partial eclipse dates of July 12 & 27 … that our special guest, Astrologer Richard-Michael will give us a reading on … followed by the Aug 11 Solar Eclipse. The last eclipse of this series. BIG dates!
a possible Positive Templar ‘day of reckoning’ this Friday the 13th
what the Planet Uranus that just entered the Sign Taurus means to all of us & our Planetary Liberation efforts.
144k mass meditation times & links to participate in the live global broadcast are right below
… and MUCH more, on this week’s huge episode of Ground Crew Command
The Blueprint
… by this week’s special guest, Richard-Michael
In 1985 … when the New Age movement wasn’t quite fully infiltrated, teacher of Astrology Richard-Michael joined a metaphysical group in the spiritual Mecca of North America … Sedona.
This group was developing a new science called “The Blueprint”.
Patterned after the Rubik’s Cube layout, anything can fit into The Blueprint forms: Astrology, Numerology, Philosophy, Religion, etc. Even your personal growth can be plotted in The Blueprint.
The Blueprint resulted in the Numerology readings of:
Points-Of-Power Numerology Reading.
This personalized reading concentrates solely on you and your individual growth … and understanding the power of your birth date numbers to help you manifest success in your daily life. This reading defines your birth essence energy. It gives:
A description of your physical, emotional, mental and creative bodies
A delineation of your Childhood, Teenage, Adult and Middle Age years
What astrological signs are associated with your birth date numbers
How Points-Of-Power Numbers complement your Birth Sign
The season(s) of the year most favorable for you
When your energy is at its’ optimum level – when you function best
Pin Number: how to choose the correct 4 digit Bank Pin Number that will work for you and not work against you in banking transactions. What your Bank doesn’t want you to know about your current Bank Pin Number
Soulmate Chart Numerology Reading.
This hand cast chart shows the karmic connections one shares with a relative, friend or loved one. It tells:
If the person of your choice is your Soulmate
If you were physically blood-related in a past life
If you were married or lovers in a past incarnation
If you studied together in a past life and the type of studies
Personality descriptions for both of you
The areas in life where the two of you are compatible
Life challenges or conflicts needed to be worked through
Home Energy Evaluation Numerology Reading.
This Blueprint Numerology Reading defines the energies of street address numbers. Numbers are indicators of energies being drawn down into an environment and “anchored into form”. These energies define the mood flowing through the home. Occupants are affected by these numbers.
… and
Astrology/Numerology Composite Reading
… which is a fun-filled mini-reading that combines on one form information gleaned from your Blueprint Numerology Chart and your Astrology Horoscope Chart. Major highlights of the Birth Composite Chart are discussed.
Even though your own consciousness is always KING, and you regain the power to CHOOSE your timeline/reality when you reach the critical mass amount of internal healing
… it’s certainly important to understand how your ‘moment & location of birth’ that serves as a Astrological & Numerological CODE .. affects & influences your current incarnation, to get an even better understanding of your current incarnation, and the purpose of your current incarnation.
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144k Call To Arms & Mass Meditation Times, To Clear the Path For Mass Arrests in August.
“… It’s timeline selection time!”
They’ve tried & tried to stop us … from fulfilling our soul mission on this planet. They’ve tried everything …
They failed.
Lightworkers remember the fall of Atlantis & the fall of this planet to darkness’s hands. That started our descent in to hell.
Time to FIX it.
Word is, the Lightforces will be carrying out an operation during the time. They NEED our support & energetic BACKING.
144k Partial Solar Eclipse Meditation Details
Time: July 12th - 9pm EDT (US) start
(actual partial eclipse is at 9:48 ETD (US)
Here’s the link for your time zone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=144k+Partial+Solar+Eclipse+Mass+Meditation&iso=20180712T21&p1=179&ah=1
Here’s the link to join the 144k Mass Meditation (private link): http://www.blogtalkradio.com/groundcrewcommandradio/2018/07/13/144k-partial-solar-eclipse-mass-meditation
Approximate length: 1hr
Stay tuned for the July 27th Lunar Eclipse 144k Mass Meditation
What To Shine The Transmutational Light Of Your Consciousness On, This Week
In the news portion this week, we get empowering perspective on:
clearing the energies so Mass Arrests can start in Autumn (on a comparatively small scale, they’ve started already)
with 72% of Americans saying the Cabal (establishment) media deliberately lies according to an Axios poll … can the White-Hats seize Disney through its being implicated in the ‘Weinstein sexual enterprise’ … as Weinstein himself begins his court hearings.
Knights of Malta agree to the new financial system, thus accelerating the financial re-set & RV. Did they cross over to the Light, or did a positive faction win?
Cabal ‘sweating bullets’ over two other ramifications of what a White-Hat chosen – Constitution friendly - Supreme Court Justice pick means. Find out why … as they pull their media assets at full throttle craziness trying to disrupt it all.
more indicators that Trump is being helped by the positive faction of the Rothschilds & Mossad. But what do the US White-Hats have to say?
… and much more
As always, it's going to be a VERY empowering episode of Ground Crew Command, YOUR central support network; and your weekly dose of empowering clarity, inspiration & motivation to get you through the Archon invented "work week" -
click here for the reminder & to listen in- http://www.blogtalkradio.com/groundcrewcommandradio (hit the pink Follow button for show reminders & downloadable recordings)
Call in #: (310) 807-5232.
Or connect from your browser with the link above.
p.s. If you haven't joined the 144,000 Army of Light that's being built ... and you feel the calling or desire, watch the short video below & opt-in (no need to opt-in again if you already opted into this website). Let's take charge & Liberate This Planet!
The Unknown Lightwarrior
The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) ... clearing ... energy surgery ... DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power ... go to: https://www.returntoyourtruth.com
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