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A Voice For The Resolute... Veteran Frontline Gridworker, Analyst & Author of The Viral 'Why

Writer's picture: Jim TourtsakisJim Tourtsakis

"The weary ... the tired ... yet resolute Lightworkers & awake portion of the population keeping the faith will now have a voice & great source of inspiration, starting this Wed 29th at 9pm EST ... " the Unknown Lightwarrior - host of the new weekly radio show - promises.

"... make no mistake, Lightworkers, Starseeds, the awake & aware, will hear intel ... analysis ... fundamentals of energy and more ... at a level of depth & intimacy ....leaening what's REALLY going on but not talked about much online ... with the goal of lifting them up & seeing them through to The Event..."

"... it is as much about support & empowerment that makes a DIFFERENCE, as it is about news updates, analysis & community ..."

This is something I can attest to, as I've worked with the Unknown Lightwarrior on all these clearing & grid-work missions for years, and seen him perform in 'full flight'... He is a true inspiration indeed.

Judging by the name of this new show, the 'Ground Crew Command' ... it's clear The Unknown Lightwarrior was not mincing his words, with a name that holds clear connotations of leadership ... direction & support. This is in-line with & befitting the command & leadership I personally witnessed him displaying ... in the face of horrific (non-physical & physical) attacks during clearing missions ... making success possible thanks to the mass-transmutation his Light-beings have undoubtedly performed.

"... I'm tired of seeing Lightworkers & those doing what they can to bring about The Event, be either taken out, interfered with or just hammered by the tyranny of the matrix ... the Veil ... and overwhelmed by the increased intensity of the energies overall, as we approach The Event...

... that's why Ground Crew Command radio has developed the following unique format:

1) 1st 15mins will be an overview of higher dimensional and disclosure oriented news headlines for the week, so you the listener can get a feel for the speed at which things are progressing as we get closer to the Event.

2) 2nd 40mins (approx): Empowering interview with an expert on healing & or intel. This is in keeping with one of the main premise of Ground Crew Command Radio ... which is Liberation & Empowerment for Lightworkers and the Awake & Aware, so they can rise above the repressive nature of the matrix & pursue their soul path & happiness with less hindrance and more ease & grace. A big need right now with such overwhelming energies... "

3) 3rd 20-30 mins (approx): will be analysis of the news headlines for the week, so you the listener will not be overwhelmed ... frustrated ... disillusioned or uncertain ... thanks to ('seeming') conflicting reports, incomplete intel & half truths. This is critical because the mind 'can rest' when you have CLARITY. And people have to GET - that clarity is power..."

4) Last 5-10mins: A simple guided energy exercise (aka, 'meditation') for clearing, healing & growth to face the day from a place of power, rather than overwhelm or fear... The awake & aware really need further support in this area, and we'll be sharing stuff we have always used to get through anything, techniques that many energy practitioners charge for ... It will be things like simple but powerful external clearing ... pineal gland activations ... bringing the all-powerful 'I AM Presence' more closer to you ... etc.

With this unique & empowering format, Ground Crew Command Radio has what it takes to become a leading resource in the non-terrestrial radio arena.

With comments like " ... it's time to end all the BS, and get real in a way the really motivates, inspires & moves people forward 'from within' , from a place of 'their truth'..." the Unknown Lightwarrior's new show clearly holds the intent to set a new standard, blaze a new trail and unite Lightworkers, Starseeds & all awakened people of the world with a weekly life-changing reminder that they are MUCH more than the 'office worker' ... the 'soccer mom' ... the 'insurance assessor' ... the 'grandmother' ... the 'waiter' ... the 'nurse' ... and the 'IT guy'.

Not to mention some of the 'kick-ass' resources planned for the second part of the show from someone who's 'be there - done that', "... Time to return to our power at the PHYSICAL LEVEL ... not just on the non-physical planes where we really do (positively) wreak havoc on The Veil in our sleep state ..."

Ground Crew Command Radio launches on Wednesday - March 29th at 9pm EST on Blog Talk Radio. Click the link & then click the Follow button for email reminders of up-coming shows each Wednesday & the recordings available for download.


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